VBScript Assessment


VBScript Assessment

Skills Assessment

VBScript is a scripting language developed by Microsoft for use in browsers, Web pages, applications, and for system maintenance. This test measures understanding of the core VBScript language. It is based on version 5.0 of the language. This test is appropriate to administer to programmers.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 47
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Language Features
Object Model
Language Architecture
Regular Expressions
Tasks Tested Regular Expression
Identify Constants
Reinitialize an Array
Script-based Classes
Language Specifications
Base Array Number
Data Type
Break a String
FileSystem Property
Looping Structures
Analyze Code
Available Objects
Instantiate a COM Object
External DLL
Object Creation
Create Script-based Class
Identify structures
Identify Keyword
Identify keyword
Create Array
Identify output
Default Scope
Analyze Loop
Determine Data Type
Empty an Array
Destroy COM Object
Dictionary Object
FileSystem Object
FileSytem Object
Choosing VBScript
Support Files
Variant Data Type
Core Language Support Files
Regular Expressions
Native VBScript Interpreter
Date Literals