UNIX Shell Programming Assessment


UNIX Shell Programming Assessment

Skills Assessment

This UNIX Shell Programming test is designed to assess the knowledge of test takers in using the UNIX Shell. The topics covered include UNIX Shell commands, syntax, file structure, environmental variables, the VI editor, file permissions, and pipes and filters. It is appropriate to administer this assessment to beginner and intermediate programmers who have over one year of experience with UNIX Shell.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested UNIX Shell Syntax
UNIX Shell Commands
Command Descriptions
Tasks Tested VI Editor Substituting Command
Accessing an Array
AWK Operators
WC Command
File Attributes Output
Delete Command Option
Bourne Shell Execution
Access Variable Values
AWK Output
Special Variable
VI Editor
Environment Variable Name
File Permissions
Shell Comments
Variable Name
Conditional Logic
Comparison Operators
Using Pipes to Sort Files
Listing Processes
File Permissions Command
Removing Directories
Date Command
Useradd Command
User Information Command
Changing File Ownership
String Search
Print Command Options
Comparing Two Files
File System Disk Space
Renaming a File
PATH Variable
Grep Command Pattern Match
Viewing File Contents
Hidden Files
Text File on a Display Terminal
Printing File Command Description
Data Manipulating Command Descriptions
Shell Command Description
VI Key Description