RPG III Assessment


RPG III Assessment

Skills Assessment

RPG (Report Program Generator) is a computer programming language produced by IBM in 1965 for easy production of sophisticated large system reports. This language has evolved over the years with RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400 and RPGIV for the IBM AS/400. IBM AS/400 is a midrange computer system used primarily for running business applications for small to mid-sized companies. RPG and COBOL are the common languages used for writing applications for the AS/400. This test is designed to evaluate a programmer's knowledge of RPG II and RPG III, and could also be used to test a person's knowledge of RPG/400.

Tests for CICS/COBOL, COBOL for Year 2000 and COBOL II are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 51
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested PDM
Screen Processing
Screen Design
Program Execution
Program Communication
Arrays and Tables
File Processing
Specification Lines
RPG Cycle
File Specification
Data Structures
Operation Codes
Do Loop Processing
Program Operation Codes
Tasks Tested Screen Design
Source Member Types
Subfile End Keyword
Subfile Record Number Keyword
Subfile Errors
Reading a Subfile
Subfile Next Change
Subfile size and page
Subfile Definition
Display and Read Screen
Continuing Input Fields
Put Over Keyword
Command Attention and Command Function Keys
Menu Bar Choice Keyword
Screen Formats
DDS Keywords
Program Initialization
Program Termination
Passing Parameters Between Programs
Defining a Table or Array
Lookup Function
Multi-Member Files
Error/Exception Subroutines
Last Record Processing
End of File Processing
First Record Processing
Valid Specifications for RPG Programs
File Specification Definition
Sequence of Specifications for RPG Programs
RPG Cycle Compatibility
Cycle Sequence of Events
File Designation
Using Multiple Occurrence Data Structures
Turning off and on Indicators
Display File Function Keys
Opcode Requirements for Indicators
Resulting Indicators
Clear and Reset Operation Codes
Display Operation Code
Do Loop Execution
LEAVE Opcode
DO Loops
XLATE Opcode
ITER Opcode