DB2 v.8 Mainframe DBA Assessment


DB2 v.8 Mainframe DBA Assessment

Skills Assessment

DB2 v.8 Mainframe DBA measures the overall knowledge of an OS/390 and z/OS DB2 DBA from either a systems or applications DBA perspective. Test questions will be derived from topics such as the Creation and Management of DB2 Objects, Data Recovery, Performance and Tuning, DB2 Utilities and Commands, and Security.

Assessments for DB2 v.8 UDB DBA, DB2 5.x DBA, and DB2 Developer are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Create/Manage DB2 Objects
Data Recovery
Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Utilities and Commands
Tasks Tested Primary and Unique Keys
Unique Indexes
Check Constraints
Altering a Tablespace
Adding a Column to a Table
Creating a Segmented Tablespace
Index Definition
Tablespace Types
Adjusting the SEGSIZE
Index Properties
Establishing a Point of Consistency
Access During Image Copy
Recovery Concepts
Disaster Recovery
Tablespace Recovery
Image Copies
Index Design
Tablespace REORGs
SQL Optimization and Tuning
DB2 PM Reports
DB2 Components
Granting DB2 Access
Authorization Levels
DCL Interpretation
DB2 Privileges
Resetting RBDP Status Condition
Using the LOAD Utility
Load Option Delete
Using DB2 Commands
Load Option Create
DB2 Commands
Executing Utilities