BroadVision Assessment


BroadVision Assessment

Skills Assessment

BroadVision provides a complete line of Internet software products and services for enabling large-scale Net business. This test covers such topics as installation, server-side JavaScript, database administration and schema, server programming, and competent programming. It is appropriate to administer to those required to work with the technical aspects of BroadVision. This test should not be given to casual users of BroadVision.

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How does it work?
Total Questions 46
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested BroadVision
Tasks Tested BroadVision Observations
Server Programming
BroadVision Dynamic Command Center
BroadVision Component Programming
BroadVision Component Programming
BroadVision Notifications
BroadVision Database Administration
BroadVision server-side JavaScript
BroadVision Database Schema
BroadVision Server Programming
BroadVision Matching Agent
BroadVision XML Programming
BroadVision Java Programming